Sunday, July 24, 2011

Guest Post- The Fitness Dish

I love Laury's Blog.  It was one of the first blogs that I began to read, and as a result found other blogs.
When I began reading her blogs, Laury was only recently pregnant.
Since then she has had a beautiful baby girl.  
I love reading how she has grown and how she has changed since becoming a mom.
She is so inspirational and motivating.
AND she also lives in the Philadelphia Area!!
I definitely want to try to meet up with her at some point.. 

Hello there! I'm Laury and I blog over at The Fitness Dish, which follows my life along with fitness and nutrition tips (and yummy recipes)! I'm a personal trainer, certified fitness nutritionist and a new mom to a beautiful baby girl!

Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite superfoods...HEMP! Hemp is an amazing source of plant protein, and it's a great source of many other amazing nutrients.

 I LOVE Hemp Milk, and I loooove adding hemp seeds to dressings, smoothies and yummy vegan desserts.

Such as...

Omega Tempeh Salad

Chocolate Peanut Butter Hemp Smoothie

or another variation of my favorite dessert...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Hemp Softserve

Why are Hemp Seeds so great, you ask?

Here's 5 reasons why...

1. They contain about 36.6% (complete) protein, making them the highest source of plant protein out there!

2. It’s more digestible than soy protein

3.It’s the highest plant source of essential fatty acids. Hemp Seed is a direct source of GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid/ Omega-6 fatty acid), Sterodonic Acid and Chlorophyll ( flax seed lacks all 3 of these)
4. Contains all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies can not produce

5. It’s one of the most nutritionally complete food sources in the world!

So try adding some hemp seeds to your smoothie, or sprinkle it in your oats or a salad for some amazing nutrition!

Hope you enjoyed my post! 


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